Forex Price Action Basics – Trading Reversals

On Wednesday I held the last webinar in the 3 Day Price Action Challenge. In the webinar I explained how to use Candlestick Analysis and Support and Resistance together to trade reversals. In case you missed the first two webinars you can watch the first one here and the second one here.

In this webinar we ran out of time, so I was not able to explain how you can use Price Action to close bad trades out early. I added a video to the end of this webinar to cover this. If you want to skip to that part of the video go to 1hr 13min 30sec.

Also, here is a link to a table with all my support and resistance areas. Enjoy!

I hope everybody enjoyed the 3 Day Challenge and I hope you learned a lot about trading Price Action!


Thanks Nick! The 3 day webinar course was very informative and interesting. I really like your simplicity approach and it is well in line with my own ideas of trying to not over-complicate things.

Thanks Chris.

Nick, Thanks was very useful, just wonder if you take consideration to Corelation pairs in your trade??

I take correlations into account. I would not have two trades open on pairs that are heavily correlated. It would open me up to too much risk.

Nick, thank you so much for sharing your brilliant approach to trading. Your teaching skills are excellent!


The video addition at the end came after my question during the live webinar (… or so I believe). It’s been fully answered! Thanks a million! Keep up the excellent work and contribution. See you

No problem man. Glad I could get your question answered.

Hi Nick,
thanks for all the valuable information in the webinars. I have one question that wasn’t answered or I missed it:
Does the color of the indecision candle matter when looking for an entry?
Let’s say you have a preceding bullish trend which stalls at the next resistance area with an indecision candle. Now you’re looking to go short. If the indecision candle has the correct set-up (lower-lows) but is still a bullish candle, do you enter at the low of the indecision candle or do you wait for another candle which is bearish?

Thanks again.

No, the colour doesn’t matter at all.

Thanks Nick for the webinars. But is it me, or it’s impossible to see your SR areas following that link? Because I see columns, but can’t see any text

You should just refresh a few times. There is something wrong with the page sometimes.

Hi Nick,

Please consider me for the Advanced Course. I would like to enroll as soon as possible

many thanks


Hi Nick, Thanks very much for your very interesting and informative sessions on price action trading .

Please continue the great lessons.


Hi Nick!
Your 3 webinar were really great and useful. I only got a question. I understand that you only take trade with at least a 1:2 risk/reward ratio. I also understand that you take a first exit with your first half. The only thing that im not sure is where do you apply that ratio, do you need it on your first target or your second ?
Thanks again for those great video

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