3 Techniques for Fighting Forex Fear

You spot a great GBP/USD trade set up. You check ForexFactory to see if any news is due out. You confirm your analysis and remind yourself of your money management rules. Finally, you go back to your platform and take a short. You are targeting 40 pips and almost immediately your trade goes into profit. […]


Falling Average Daily Ranges in Forex

Recently I have been making some changes to the way I trade. My method has always consisted of two trading techniques; break out trading and reversal trading. I use both of these techniques, in my day to day trading, but there is always a more dominant technique. From mid-2005 through to 2007 reversal trading was […]


Are You Having Fun With Forex?

You’re sitting here reading my blog and, so you’re probably a Forex trader, or considering becoming one. And you’re probably looking to to trade Forex using price action. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. But are you having fun? Maybe you’ve been trading for a while, or maybe you’re a newbie just learning the […]


Should You Trade Thanksgiving Week?

Hey guys, Just a quick heads up for those of you getting ready to trade this week. I usually steer clear of trading US Thanksgiving week as the market can become unpredictable. if you’re a newbie or if you simple want to play it safe you should consider taking this week off. Personally I finished […]


Good Health as a Forex Trader

As Forex traders, our biggest assets are our minds and bodies. If we get sick, or we cannot concentrate, we can’t take good trades. In other words, we do not make money. Unfortunately, Forex doesn’t really require any heavy lifting, or exertion. So, when it comes to keeping our body and minds fit we need […]


Some Questions Answerd

Hey guys, I just wanted to do a quick blog post to cover some of the questions I am asked via email. 1. Nick why is there no weekly analysis this week? I only do analysis when I am trading. If I am not trading for the week I do not do any analysis. There […]


Always Have a Backup

Hi Guys, This is just a quick note on trading. I wrote this in answer to a question a newbie emailed me. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. That and a million other clichés can be applied to your trading. While most of them are pretty useless this is one of the rare […]