More Great Eight Hour Chart Trades

We have had another great week with eight hour charts in Forex. If you have not heard about eight hour charts yet check out these recent posts.

If you want me to do a webinar on eight hour charts and other large time frames please leave a comment below.


Yeah, please do the webinar!!

Yes Nick, please count me in also. I love the way you share. Thank you.

yes a webinar would be great

I caught both of these trades. Trade #1 I entered late and managed +30 pips. My SL for Trade #2 was too tight, causing it to trip (the candle’s low only went 5 pips below my SL D:). Jumped back into the trade after a second indecision candle formed and now I’m currently at about +8 pips, hoping that the candles really take off tonight. Thanks for the post and video as always Nick.

Hi Nick, could make the last one so look forward to another, Cheers, John

Nick, I downloaded the Metaquotes MT5 s/w for 8hr charts but not getting the same candles as yours, hence I did not get your nice indecision candle, so no trade. Does your chart provider allow demo accounts? Cheers, John

webinar would be great. definitely interested.

took these two trades.. also there was a trade on the eur/usd and eur/jpy

Affirmative ! Thank you in advance.

I vote for a webinar

Thank you Nick for your efforts! And, yesss…please webinar would be great and interesting. Perhaps a little covering of reasons for trigger placements? Cool! Thanks again! -John / Michigan!

One more vote for the webinar :)

Happy Birthday Nick. Yes to seminar but I will be travelling next two weeks. Please record it for viewing later. Great presentation. Thanks

Would love a webinar, hopefully it will be after 7pm est or recorded so that all us day jobbers in the eastern time zone can catch it.
Thanks again!

Hope you had a great celebration Nick, yes to the webinar and my sincerest gratitude for the contents of this site, excellent!

Hi Nick, Yes I would like to watch webinar or recording. It would be very useful for us to see how you trade this time frame.

yes please

great video, wld like to hve more

Yes Please

yes please

yes please

count me in!

Yes, please do a webinar. Please discuss how you make the decision to get out of the trade and change direction, as your charts are rather void of indicators. Please also show some more EUR/JPY trades. Also, please discuss your stop loss settings, as with this volatile pair, in order to stay in the trade, one almost has to have a 80-100 pip stop loss.

A webinar would catch my attention!

Nick, Thanks for all that you do! You help a lot of people.

Please add me to the webinar

Thank you, I started trading thanks to your price action course. I did not know anything about trading and you were able to explain it in a simple way!
I’m studying a lot and I can already see some results …. My problem is to place stop loss,especially I find very difficult to trade EJ. When a trade requires a stop loss of many pips even though it is a great set-up should I let go? Thank you for your valuable lessons and please do a webinar.

Nick help please, I downloaded the Metaquotes MT5 s/w for 8hr charts but not getting the same candles as yours, hence I did not get your nice indecision candles…..

yes please a webinar would be great

Happy Birthdat Nick and look forward to the 8 hr Webinar : }

Hi. I’m a new reader to your site and looking forward to learning more from you.

Hi Nick,

just wondering if you will enter a trade with high important news coming out that day?

If the news is 4+ hours away, will you enter?

Sometimes it seems a trade is entered hours before news, but then the trade stalls and then news spikes price and stops me out.

Just wondering what your thoughts are.


Euro dollar analysis

Are you planing to have a webinar on trading eight hour charts? If so I would very much like to attend. Thank you.

Thanks for this learned alot many things…

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