What a month….

I’m back

Have you experienced a moment in life when the veil drops and you have a moment of absolute clarity? Well I had one of those moments in which I realized I was not making the most of my career as a Forex trader. When I think about what trading Forex brings me one word pops to mind, can you guess what it is?…

If you guessed freedom you’re right. Forex brings me the freedom of being my own boss and setting my own work hours. However, for the past year I have been working 14 hour days on Forex, Forex4Noobs and other projects.

When I had my moment of clarity I said to myself ‘Nick you need a break’. So without a word to anybody here on bullrushacademy.com, I grabbed my GF and we went off on a nice little trip to Tuscany. I only had one rule for my holiday.

No talk about Forex, Forex4Noobs or any work.

I admit I broke my rule a few times, I could not resist the allure of checking on my baby (forex4noobs) every now and then but overall I did pretty well.

So I am back now, full time and firs things first I am going to restart on those webinars I began before my holiday. I will put up some details soon! In the mean time you will notice in the navigation bar up top that we now have a ‘forex webinars’ section. This is part of the new free forex4noobs VIP area. You may need to register but if you have already registered for the free forex video course release in January the same username/pass will work for the webinar VIP area.

P.S. I know some people might be annoyed at my sudden disappearance but it is something I needed.


hey man go for gold!!! but please, i need some help with the mentoring thing remember? lol.

khaled Jackson » Yeh I just checked your email and it seems like it is on my spammer list khaled. Your email is auto-spamming people on your contact list not sure if you know, I can forward you the spam emails. I suggest you change your email password, I unblocked you by the way so feel free to email me.

Not annoyed at all. You need a break. Due to recent events in my life with my health I now enjoy every day as you never know if it could be the last. Your site as given me another interest. Thanks again Nick

Hi Nick,

Welcome back. I’ve been missing your blog post and wondering what happened to you.
Great that you’re back, and the free webinars too..

Hahaha! I KNEW it! (I had the urge to close the books myself,). I was wondering when you were going to take a break! (BTW, my email has been hacked again- yes, I change the password, but I think hotmail /msn needs to get better security.) Sorry if I spammed you.
Glad you’re back !

I’m just happy that you didn’t disappear and taking a break is surely well deserved. Sounds like a good trip. Going myself 11-20’th of may so looking forward to lovely Tuscany :-)

Lucky bugger. Good on you Nick. No one ever lay on their death bed and said, “I wish I’d spent longer at work!” Just when you are ready we hear for the next pearls of wisdom.

I would like very much have the same freedom you have Nick, but it is impossible for me. I am studying technical analysis for more than 3 year, I am overwhelmed of information but it seems I am not able to learn. When I see the charts, they have no sense to me.
Congratulations for your success in live Nick!!!!

Hi Roberto,

how are you? I am also from Brasil , and I would like to make some contact with someone from Brasil who is in the Forex world as well.



You are suffering from information overload. You worry too much about technical analysis. What about fundamental analysis? Just find a simple system and study the candlestick patterns. Remember indicators are delayed reactions from the markets. Don’t depend soley on them for trade setups. Good luck.

Perhaps I’m a bit naive, Nick, as I cannot imagine that anyone could begrudge you a well deserved rest. Obviously, I’m also glad you’re back and am looking forward to pouring through the webinar material myself. Once again, thanks a million and welcome back.

Girlfriends are the best for grabbing especially if you drag them to Tuscany. I am so jealious. What is the point of living an independent lifestyle if you don’t use it.

glad to have you back from a well deserved break… :))

the break was well deserved.. no need to apologise.. welcome back nick! i am glad you are well rested.. cheers!

Welcome Home Saint Nick, I hope the mind is clear and your body refreshed.

Good on ya mate! In all honesty, I was a little worried where you may have ran off to since the last I heard you were starting to get over a bad illness–then you disappeared shortly after that. I was fearing that you got worse and had an illness relapse or something! But I’m glad that you’re okay now and I’m sure that fresh air did you real good. We’re glad to have you back!

Hi Nick,
I know it is a later comment, but WELCOME BACK Nick!!!

Where all did you go in Tuscany? Did you hit Florence? It’s amazing, aint it? Did you have a good time? I just stumbled on your site today after almost blowing my account and feeling in the dumps and psychologically very nooby ok! I like the almost blunt way you talk about the trading experience and its psychological hammer action on a person…….real eye opener there! I think I will retreat for a while, lick my self inflicted wounds (ouch), and ponder if I really, really want to pursue trading. I was lured in by all the false promises of FX brokers, and I had a huge reality check after reading your articles, so thanks for bursting my Forex bubble……..lol. I will read thru your articles here to see what all it takes and regroup. Thank you! Elsa

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