Weekly CryptoCurrency Analysis – BTC and ETH going to new highs?

Over the last few weeks I have been using a modified version of my Forex price action strategy for Cryptocurrency trading with great results. So, I have decided to start doing weekly Cryptocurrency analysis.

In today’s analysis I share my key support and resistance areas for BTCUSD, ETHUSD, XRPUSD, LTCUSD and more. I spot a few potential upcoming trades on BTCUSD, ETHUSD, and ETHBTC. Watch the analysis for more info.

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Thanks, Nick.
I believe you made a fantastic start. With time the methodology will be tweaked to the required level. Thanks for the eye opener!

Great stuff Nick! Quick question: are you trading crypto with a crypto platform like Kraken or Bittrex or with your regular FX broker?

I am trying out many different options at the moment to find what’s best, both crypto platforms and traditional FX brokers.

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