If you struggle trading Price Action this step by step reversal trading video is for you

Reversal trading is pretty simple when you see a picture perfect set up. Check out the trade to the left. The trade is a EUR/AUD 12 hour chart I took on June 25th, 2014. That set up is pretty much flawless.


Most reversal trades do not look perfect. In fact, price action rarely ever looks perfect. Usually it is tougher to spot, and enter reversal trades.

So, are you struggling with learning how to trade price action?

If yes, you’ll love this new video. I created a simple step by step replay of two reversal trades from last week. Both of these trades were posted to the forum before they triggered. The video shows you exactly how to trade these reversals. Including where to enter, where to place targets, and where to place stops.

How to trade not so perfect reversal trades

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Also, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I will reply to every comment.

My Free Price Action Strategy

Below you will find several links to webinars, and articles about my strategy.


Everything extremely clear. Only one question on the first trade: why trading against the trend? Thx a lot

I trade reversals. Technically, reversals are always counter to the trend.

You can trade reversals on a pullback, I.e. With the trend

You can, but you can also trade in both directions and get more trading opportunities.


Thanks very just what I needed clarity…been struggling some time you made it easy to understand….overcomplicated is something I need to throw away

Like Dan said, you can trade in both directions. What I mean was, that a reversal must be reversing from something. A reversal is at it’s essence, the DEATH of a trend.

The preceding trend, is a trend. Indecision is the last gasping breaths of that trend. The reversal marks the death of the trend. Us reversal traders deal in death. We trade counter to the trend because we anticipate the death of the trend.

No trend will last forever. And, even big trend need to take a breath. Perhaps this trade marks the death of the bullish GY trend. Perhaps this trade was only a lull in the trend. Whatever it was, there was pips there for the taking.

I’m glad I found your teaching. I’m learning to draw S/R lines. Kindly give me the link to your latest/current S/R line to enable me compare with mine. Thanks.

This was amazing man and I’d love to see more videoes of this kind, videos where you thouroughly go through your trades. I learned a lot from this video and you’re such a baller for sharing your knowledge with us noobs! ^^

Glad you liked it. I will do more of these videos.

Excellent stuff,can I have some more,please!

Will do!

Can you explain why 175.26 area was an area where sellers might be as the price hadn’t been that high since October 2008 and price plummeted through there following the 2007 crash.

Before that 175.26 was previously broken through in December 2001 when it flew right up to 250.65.

How can that area be an area of resistance?

There is absolutely no evidence to support that opinion.

It is pretty hard placing support and resistance on GBP/JPY at the moment. So we are using a mixture of dynamic sr and historical sr. However, we use it when we have to.

The sr in that area is pretty wide, ranges from 175.00-175.60. It was place based on data from 2007 and 2001.

The areas above it are as follows.

– 178.00-178.70
– 181.20-182.00

Pretty big bounce from the 175.00-175.60 in 2007. Indecision formed on the area and price reversed.

The fact that indecision formed on there last week served as extra confirmation that there is resistance there.


The range of GBP/JPY in 2007 was 251.08 high to 219.20 low so that’s not right for a start.


That’s 13 years ago.

How could there be sellers waiting to see 175.00 – 175.60 from 13 years ago?

This isn’t logical.


Sorry, I fixed that. I mean’t 2008. It was the 17th-20th of October 2008 to be precise. When there is no other form of support and resistance. You go back as far as you need to in order to find support and resistance.

Once you place an area on old data you need to wait for current price to confirm it…. which it did.

great video, keep it up! love to some more

Will do.

Review vid was great. Very informative & interesting. More would be most welcome.

Awesome, glad you liked it!

great video i actually like all the videos i have watched from you. i am dedicating my life to forex i have left everything else aside i am only in the proccess of learning it but it is something that has interested me all my life will keep reading and watching everything you post

Thanks man. Forex is a very tough business to break into. If you are willing to dedicated the time though, it is possible to succeed.

nice. very usefull. thanks

Glad you like the video.

I have done many different things i just got out of a business venture where i lost almost everything and i started this trading thing with stocks but i dont like the fact that is not as liquid as the foreign exchange market so i started doing research and doing demo trading and i have conquered the emotional aspect of it i think i like the price action no indicators technique i am now looking for a good broker to open an account with.

I am not a huge fan of stocks. I love Forex mostly because its a 24hr market. It feels so odd trading in a market that opens and closes each day. As for good brokers, the only advice I can give is DO NOT force yourself to go with a broker just because of their charts.

Find a good broker, with a good reputation. Screw the charts, you can get your charts elsewhere. You can even use a demo account for charts if you have to.

I have to say that I don’t think there is a more honest forex educator out there. Thanks Nick, I enjoyed the video, the details and explanations you provided as well as the description of your emotions while the trade was running. Your honesty in sharing trades that were either less than perfect or did not quite work out as planned gives you so much credibility. Thanks again.

Thanks Ravi. I am glad you enjoyed the videos. We learn a lot more from bad trades than we do from good trades.

Thanks so much for your videos very well explained, I have learned a lot from them.

No problem Aldo, glad you found it useful.

thank you Nick it was very helpful.

Glad it helped Mehrdad.

Thank you so much, Nick! Very nice videos. Regards from Brazil.

No problem. And… my condolences for the World Cup :(

We forgot to put SL against Germany :P…

Thanks. As I have trouble to put SL. My SL was hit, then back to my direction.

Stops can be annoying if not placed correctly. Try to place them at the low of wicks and beyond a support or resistance area. If your stop loss is going to be way too tight and unsafe, either widen the stop or skip the trade.

ONLY widen the stop if it does not have a negative impact on your risk/reward ratio.

Thanks, very well explained. Hope you make more videos.

Will make some more next week.

Your site has made me understand and absorb things that I took more than 1 and a half year to understand. Straight to the point. Gonna apply this in my 2nd account as my first account was zero-ed by silly mistakes and bad signal provider.

Green pips to all.

Thanks, glad I could help! Good luck with your second account and let me know if you need any help.

Great trades. Thanks. Nick, were your entries limit orders or market orders? Thanks

Entered using a market order. Many of the other people taking these trades in the forum used a limit order though.

Hi Nick! I watched a lot of your videos. I like especially the webinars. Your strategy is so easy and successful. My main problem is to draw the correct S&R lines. I want to practice it. That’s why could you tell me the name of the programm that you use in this video? Can you simulate 8 h charts with it, too? Thank you so much! Looking forward for the next Video! Roy

Oh, it’s esignal…unfortunately very expensive :-(

Yes it eSignal. For me its worth it but for a beginner trader, it’s definitely too pricey. Have you tried ChartIQ? They are pretty cool and I think their base package is $8 USD per month. You don’t need all the extras they add in.

Very useful. Thank you.
What about Binary options?

Not a fan of binary options.

Hi, it was very useful to me because actually i didn´t know how to use the double target trading. Especially the part of moving the stop loss to the starting point once the first taget is hit. Thank you Nick.

No problem. I am a big fan of splitting my targets. It allows me to lock in profits early. When I lock in profits the trade becomes a “no stress” trade. I literally cannot lose any more so I am not too worried about the outcome.

Hi Nick, very useful video thank you! One question: Do you set an alarm for the first take profit? I didn’t find a tool in MT4 to set it automatically.

Yes, I usually set an alarm. I do not use MT4 as I do not like it. However, from what I remember MT4 has in built alarms.

Great stuff!
For the next video, maybe put some loss trades too, especially that contain mistakes that commonly made by newbies of this strategy.

There were no losing trades last week. If there were, I would have added them. I always look at losing trades as you can learn a lot more from them.

nick i was entering trades without waiting for indecision candles to form and i was being kicked out by my stop loss not until i watched your video that explains that you have to wait for indecision or bears and bulls to start their struggle to control price also your support and resistance should be already placed on your chart to have an idea where price will stop.

Indecision is vital, I am glad you learned that from this video.

Hi Nick

Do you know of any good mobile platforms one can use that gives you, 4h,6h,8h,12h and Daily charts.Also a platform I can connect my Alpari mt4 account with.I would appreciate your help.



Thank you for your teachings and really appreciate your videos. Just a clarification question; can we use support and resistance lines drawn on the 4 hour chart for trading on the Daily chart? Many thanks for your response.

Yes, you usually can. However, as market conditions are changing a lot at the moment. I am finding that at times Daily requires different support and resistance. Try drawing different support and resistance on a daily chart. If you see that they do not match up with your 4hr support and resistance, then use the daily ones.

Also, check out this webinar:


It is a two and a half hour long webinar on support and resistance. It should be pretty useful to you.

Hi Nick

Can you recommend any mobile platform i can use that gives you 4h,6h,8h,12h and Daily charts.Also i would like to connect my Alpari MT4 account with it.Would appreciate your help.

That’s a tough one. I believe that when trades require their charting and brokerage services to be the same, they can never be happy.

Finding a good broker that offers everything you need in a charting platform is almost impossible. I tried for years, for a decade actually…. and I came up with nothing.

Recently I finally realised…

… WHY?

Why do I need to chart with my broker?

Well, the answer is I don’t… neither do you. Just look for and find a full featured charting platform that gives you everything you will ever need. When you see a set-up, switch to the trading platform and take the trade.

That is what I do now and it works perfectly.

As for good charting platforms. If you want full mobile compatibility I would go for a HTML 5 based platform. As far as I know ChartIQ is the best at the moment.

Probably one of the best easy to understand chart I have ever watched. As a trader I find your step by step explanation easy to follow and understand. I shall watch more of your videos and introduce my trading colleagues to your website. Thanks

Thanks Michael. I am glad you liked the video, thanks for sharing forex4noobs!

Hello Nick,
thank you very much for your videos. Those are very good and really helpful!

May I get your opinion on that. What do you think about the strategy “Set and Forget” for your reversal trading? Placing SL and TakeProfit and let the market decide without moving the SL to Break-Even.

Is it wise to do that?

I am not a huge fan of not adjusting your stop half way through a trade. I believe that adjusting your stop is vita. Why not lock in profit when you can?

Another option is you don’t want you stop at your entry is to move it up to -10 pips or something similarly small. Either way, I thinking locking in profit is vital.

Why do you want to “set and forget?”

Thanks for this awesome video Nick.

No problem. Glad you enjoyed it. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help.

This was a great one.
Although it was a recorded trade. which i dislike a little.
I like the approachyou do with the live trading. If it goes sour, then it goes sour nothing to do about it.


I will try and bring out as many live trades as possible from now on.

yes nick for how long should you hold on to your trade after its been placed i mean 16 hours 32 hours sometimes you dont get much movement your up 4 pips then you are down 6 do you get out of the position and look for a better set up?

Sorry, did not see this question until now. There is no definitive answer, it depends on the trade itself. Generally a few days is enough. However, lets say you take a long on the 8hr, and it just doesn’t take off. Then, you see it forming on the daily. Perhaps the setup you took was just an early part of a large indecision candle. In this case I would hold to see what happens on the larger time frames.

Hi Nick! Great video ! I always learn something new. Keep up the good work! Regards from Belgium !

Will do, and thanks. Geniet nog van uwen dag!

my trading could improve a lot if I get such lessons the strategy is great

I will try to make more videos for you man. If you need any additional help add me to Skype nick.bencino.

Hi Nick
Really enjoyed the vid very clear and concise, your webinar/recordings have helped me more than anything else i have found .Been trading demo nearly two years now and account just gets smaller and smaller until i started using your methods, am just at the turning point now- finally finally getting somewhere!
Keep up the excellent work Nick and thanks a million!
One quick question….If you have entered a trade and two or more indecision candles form do you exit the trade?

I am glad my strategy, and price action (mostly price action!) have been a turning point in your trading. It always annoys me to see people on Forex forums droning on and on about how this “perfect” combination of indicators will make you money in Forex.

That is a pretty good questions, but I cannot give you a very accurate answer. There are so many factors that determine whether I will stick with a trade or not. First and foremost it is reading and understanding the price action. While indecision does play a part, there is more to it. You need to consider highs and lows, the dominant power, and other things.

Overall though, two indecision candles are a pretty bad sign. When you are short for example, you want sellers to have definitive control of price. Indecision is anything but definitive. So, generally speaking, if I see two indecision candles I will close. However, keep highs and lows in mind. If you are short and the second indecision candles has both a lower low, and a lower high, it may be worth staying in. At least until buyers manage to make a higher high.

Thanks Nick. Really liked your thought process as you set up your trades

Thanks for the comment Howard. I will try get some live trades up soon. That way you can get an even better view of my though process.

Excellent video, your strategy has really improved my wins ratio and is the only way I trade now,
thanks Nick

Awesome, what are you sitting at now with your win loss ratio?

Thank you Nick, I’m a big fan of your videos. After two years learning how to trade I can honestly say that you are the best trader I have found. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

I am honestly flattered, thanks man!

One of the most helpful price action instructional videos I’ve ever viewed. Excellent and practical insight into an experienced trader’s thought process on how to identify a price action setup with positive expectancy, as well as how to determine entry, stop, and target prices. Moreover, following your thought process as you managed the trade was extremely useful. Please do more like this!

Will do, I will try and do some live trades soon too. If you have any suggestions for the next video feel free to tell me.

Hi Nick,

I started trading just a couple of years ago – and promptly lost sh*t loads! Thought I knew at least enough to make a fortune. Well, isn’t that what all the ads tell you?

Anyway, started to get a bit of a better handle on it and the losses accumulated more slowly – yep, still losing mioney but niot as quickly as before. It got to the point, just before last Christmas, when I closed down for the break and haven’t been back on-line, trading, since.

Having seen this (and others) video, I think that I’d be OK again to open up my eSignal account and see what I can do. I think that possibly the most important underlying suggestion in this video, apart from the technical aspects of when and where to enter the trade, is the comment to wait – patience – see where the price action takes you. You don’t have to enter immediately and you don’t have to beat yourself up because you ‘could have got an extra 10 pips if you’d entered earlier’ Thereby lies the road to disaster!

Cheers Nick and here’s looking for the next one.


You do not need an eSignal account. Especially when you are learning you should go with some free or relatively cheap.

I am glad you’re giving Forex another go though. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Hi Nick
Love your videos,so easy to follow,keep up the good work.
Much Appreciation

Thanks man. Appreciate the comment.

That video was very helpful; both as a sort of refresher and as well as seeing a more “real-life” trade. Thanks!!

Glad the video was helpful.

all I can say this video lives upto K.I.S.S ( keep it simple stupid )
thanks please provide more trade examples im loving the learning

My trading lives by the K.I.S.S principle. I will do some more examples soon.

Hi Nick,

Great information as always. Since the volatility is so slow during the summer, do you still use only the 8 hour and daily charts? Thank you for helping.


I always trade 4hr, 6hr, 8hr, 12hr, and Daily.

Hey Nick, Amazing Video and excellent analysis. However I just want to know which charting platform you are using in which you are able to fast forward your charts??

eSignal, it is a very expensive platform though.


I am a newbie in forex trading and this video was an eye opener in a number of things:

a. Up until now, I didn’t know one needs to set up two half trades to take care of the two possible price targets

b.Never knew it was ok to leave my trade open overnight or even longer.
You seem to target only trade reversals. Is that the best way to cash in profits in forex?


In my opinion, with current market conditions, reversal are the best way to make consistent profits in Forex. I tend to leave trades open overnight because I trade large time frames.

I am new to FX and finding your site very educational.

I have a question about your 1st example in the above video. Why did you not enter a long trade after the bulls took control after breaking through the 1st area of resistance (there appear to be several indecision candles before this), but instead waited for the bear reversal at the 2nd area of resistance?

Also do you ever use a Buy Stop or Sell Limit to enter a trade? Or are you always ‘present’ when you enter your trades?

I do not really understand what you mean. Which is the first area of resistance? Could you check out the video and give me a number for the resistance area please.

Also, which indecision candles?

I use limit orders to enter my trades often. In fact, I would say that at least half my trades are entered via a limit order.

Great stuff. I have been applying your information to 1hr charts. I don’t have the patience for longer timeframes as I am sitting in front of the computer all day anyway. I have a $250 demo account which gives me eight pairs to trade. In 3.5 days I have brought it up to $565.63 and have already taken a $61.50 profit on one trade.
I am often reviewing your videos in order to keep from getting crazy ideas.
Keep up the great videos.

Hi great video on pa and patience! What charting software is that? Thanks

Hi Nick, really liked this video and the use of the playback feature – was good to see some imperfect trades play out. I was wondering which pairs I should be looking at most with your strategy? I seem to recall in one of your videos you look at 15 pairs. Thanks

Video was really great, appreciate the patience and perseverance you have contributing to people’s success globally

why does price change direction when the is no support and resistance or news to support the move?

Many thanks. Trading without signals seems to make more sense than anything else I have checked out.

Hi NickB let me first of all thank you for the content on this web page .This information is invaluable!! I have ever bought courses about trading forex but when I compare them all with the free videos here are worth much more.. These videos here are so helpful thank you for sharing your skill and experience with us. Keep on teaching .. God bless you.

Yes Nick I found the video useful. I hope you make more. What I would like help with is determining when to enter. I need to be able to identify both the indecision candle, but even more the trigger candle so to speak, be it engulfing, pinbar or ehat have you.

Do you place much emphasis on various patterns such as morning/evening star, piercing, hanging man, tweezers etc??


Yeah Nick, as with many of your videos, you are again right on. I traded forex years ago. As you noted, the trade indicators were often wrong and they clouded up my trading screen. I would comment to the entity that sold me the product. their response universally was that I needed to stick with the trade as past data showed their method worked. I lost lots of money sticking to their system. pointing this out again, the response I got was that there would be draw downs to any system and that if I were to stick with the system it would soon turn around and I would then be happy with my vast profits. I that point I felt a little silly continuing to trade that system-I quit-good choice as I watched, it kept loosing and loosing. So, what I am doing now is watching potential trades with your system on live charts. (Thank you by the way for making everything free as this adds to my belief that you may have a good system.) I will not use money yet as I got burned so bad in the past. I will try to keep you updated as to if I see success or not. If successful of course, I will then progress to mini lots, ect… Again Thank you, Lloyd

Very useful, …for me more then webinars… More please!

Hello Nick

I am a starter on the Forex market and trying to learn trading by watching videos and doing some trading on etoro at this moment. Your video is helpful, thanks for it.


very useful…thanks for the great lesson!!

Not to many videos on youtube that actually teach something rather than infer it with the clarity and normal perspective this video did. I am now in the process of watching more of them.

Thank you

i like your tutorial video. your strategy is inlined with mine. love it. thanks and make some more pls hehe

Very and encouraging. Nice presentation… kind and gentle. I was somewhat discouraged. I had looked at price action before but got out of that and tried dozen others and felt rather overwhelmed. I think this is probably the simplest strategy an probably the most profitable in the end. Nice to know you don’t always make good decisions… helps to know that. Thank you.

Sir, how do you get a lot of support and resistance in your chart? it is historical SR right? how to get it? Thanks for the attention.

I witched just one of your videos, and it looks very useful to me
Your teaching is quite perfect, and I enjoied
Sure I will look for all the others


You take the trade exactly at the struggling region nick, mostly it’s the place where the stop hunting happen. Taking trades at indecisive region is getting me hunted stops on both the directions.
Ofcourse your illustration works well on perfect example, but mostly the trend reversals (even if it’s a short term counter trend) happens after heavy struggle only. Please tell us when can we say that has trend has clearly reversed?

I do not agree that stop hunting works the way you think it works,

This was an amazing video!! In the second trade, and I know this hindsight, but it looked like if you would have kept your stop loss at the original spot instead of moving it up then you wouldn’t have been stopped out and been able to shoot towards your second target … but nonetheless, this was a great video!! Thanks!!!

Great video on youtube about price action. What is the software you use to play back trades and fast forward them.


Hello there i found your video very helpful please email me back if you have any other tips for trading. As I found you very easy to learn off of.


Thank for good video in youtube. Can I know what simulator software you’re using?

Many Thanks

That was a great video.
Really gave me another way to see the market.

I really like what I saw. How do I get involved ?
Please send more information.

Ronnie Fisher

Amazing Video

I found this video extremely useful! Thank you Nick! :)

This video is extremely helpful

What is setting of candlestick? I mean one minute, two minute ?

I trade 6hr, 8jr, 12hr, and Daily charts. No one min charts.

Thanks Nick! You are a star! I have understood soooo much about trading after I chanced upon your F4N! I intend going through everything you’ve posted to date!

Hey Nick great video ! I have a question though on this particular video, I noticed that you could’ve had a long position before you went short. Before that strong push to the resistance level there was indecision than followed by a strong bullish candle , why wasn’t this a trade for you? Please get back to me I’d like to see if what I’m saying in correct in your eyes…thank you.

about the 2nd trade you showed…to have 2 take profits you should have 2 trades opened right? so how can you end up with profit when your 1st TP got hit but you SL too got hit…so is the TP was 50pips and Sl also 50 pips with 2 trades opened you will lose your 1st profit when the SL got hit right? how you end up with a profit

i will like to ask you about the right time to buy/sell a trade.

I cannot sum this up in a blog comment, ready my strategy…


Hello Nick,

Nice to meet you. I am David, an aspiring trader, and have found your YouTube Channel not too long ago. I have since binged watched many of your series/seminars and learnt a lot from you. As such, I would to thank you for all the time and hard work that you have put in. I have some questions to ask you with regards to the first chart (GBPJPY) and would greatly appreciate your help. Firstly, I would like to know why did you put your second target below the SR area at 173.750 since it’s probably very difficult for price to break through it. On the same note, an indecision candle formed at the SR area at 137.750, would that not have been a potential long opportunity? That said, it would be rather contradictory since you put your second target (for short) below the SR area at 173.750. Thank you in advance!

The second target serves as the next area where I would look to extend my target if price pushes strong. Bears did end up taking control of price and breaking through the first target.
This is where more advanced trade management comes in handy. Instead of exiting at the first target, if you think bulls or bears have enough control over price to maintain it, you can look to increase your profits in a much safer way. Instead of a risk-to-reward of 1:2, you can achieve 1:4 for example. Whilst doing this target extension, you can also move your stop loss up which secures profits if a worst case scenario unfolds and price completely reverses on you.

The indecision candle you mention is quite shallow in support. Looking left should be your first order of action and you can see that price price reacted to this level as resistance. The first indecision is confirmed to be a reversal given that bulls took control and price pushed down. However, with the current bearish trend, it looked to be quite shallow. Simply put, if I wasn’t in a short trade and I saw that indecision candle, I would not enter long because it is not deep enough into support for me to enter a trade.

It is also important to note that an indecision candle is not an entry signal – it is just telling us that no one has control over price. The candles that follow an indecision candle are where we look for entry signals.

This video was extremely useful Nick. Thanks a million!!! And thank for promising that you will bring more videos. I can see myself becoming a very great trader because of you. THANKS A LOT

Greetings again Nick. I have watched this video for a third time. At precisely 7:40th minute a bullish candlestick and a smaller bearish candlestick (famously called inside bar. not sure whether you use these terminologies) formed at a resistance level. and then you said at this stage someone would have missed the trade. why do you say so Nick? asking because I would consider entering the trade on spotting an inside bar at a resistance zone. what candlestick formation (after the bullish) would have been a perfect entry? again thanks. your videos and tutorials are extremely helpful.

Hey! what is the program that you use in the video for back test? Thank you

Very informative and interesting video… can you suggest me some tips as a beginner I have started my carrier in Forex trading.

Definitely go through some of my longer forex webinars on YouTube. You should also look at the articles I have (not analysis sessions) as these are all really good bits for beginners. Live trade videos on my YouTube are also good to look at as you see specific examples of my strategy in action.

Thank you very much for this beautiful article. This is really great & innovative. I really appreciate it. The videos are also helpful. Great.

thanks for given the wnderful information . everything is clear.

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