New Price Action Analysis Course Breakdown

Hey Guys,

I am going to give stragglers a chance to enter so I will announce the 10 winners for a free copy at about 6pm-7pm US EST tonight.

Since I will be selling this I want to make sure everybody is happy with it. So I am releasing a fully detailed list in which I break down what will be in this course. The idea is to let me know if you’re happy with this or if you want more added. So here goes.

This new course will be HUGE and it will introduce several elements of my trading that are new. I have finally decided that I should introduce trend lines. Specifically trend line bounces and how they can be used in conjunction with candle patterns to makes heaps of pips. Also chart patterns and how to use them to make pips. This course will be big. I am going to try my best to pack it all into 8 hours of video. Let’s take a look at the structure of the course and you can tell me if you’re happy with it.


To be honest, this section will be very short and will go over what most of you have already learned in the free e-Books. However, it has to be included as I want this course to go from the very basics to the advanced stuff. Even if you know the basics you should go over this section. I have already recorded this section and it is roughly 1 hour long. Below are the headings for this section. I will not bother explaining them as they’re pretty self explanatory.

1. What Candlestick Analysis Is
2. Uses of Candlestick Analysis
3. Why it Works
4. How to View The Markets (Bulls vs Bears)
5. Transitions of Power


1. Spotting Indecision Candles and Grouping Patterns
This is where it gets interesting. Here I describe exactly what an indecision candle is and the best types of indecision candles and grouping patterns. You may have read this stuff before but in the course I plan to take this to another level.

2. Advanced Candle Reading
How do you know when a reversal is a reversal? This is the first step to having a full understanding of candle patterns.

3. Higher highs/lower lows.
This term is thrown around a lot and it seems very basic. Well it isn’t! Here I explain in a lot of detail how to benefit from spotting higher highs or lower lows. A lot of the times understanding this turns a 50 pip trade into a 100 pip trade for me. Or turns a trade in which I could have lost 70 pips into a break even trade.

4. Extending Good Trades and Closing Bad Trades Early.
Here I talk about how to use what you have learned so far to improve your overall trading.

One of the most commonly spouted lines in Forex is “let your good trades run and close your bad trades early…….” Everybody says it but nobody explains how. Well I do.

I explain in detail how to recognize a good trade and STAY IN THE MARKET. And how to recognize a bad trade and run for the hills. This is the first major step towards becoming a very profitable trader.


1. Trading Reversal Trades
The basic reversal trade forms randomly on a chart. If traded right it can be a consistent winner.  I explain how to spot reversals and more importantly CONFIRM reversals. This is explained in extreme detail with plenty of examples on real charts.

2. Trading Ugly Reversals
Not all reversals are beautiful. I explain how to spot reversals most traders miss and how to successfully trade them.

Super Advanced (This Will Blow your Mind)

1. Placing GOOD trend lines and S+R Lines
Ok, placing trend lines and S+R lines is not exactly mind blowing. However, it leads to the mind blowing stuff.

2. Trading Trend Line Bounces
This is where it gets really interesting. Here I combine everything you learned about candles and I explain how to use them to trade trend line bounces. This will be mind blowing.

3. Trading S+R Bounces
This is even more astounding. How to trade S+R line bounces is explained. This is some very advanced stuff I have never discussed before. It pretty much involves using everything together.

Advanced price action analysis + Candle patterns + Support and Resistance = PIPS!

4. Spotting Great Chart Patterns
Again it is not mind blowing but it leads directly to the mind blowing stuff.

5. Putting It All Together
This is what it is all about. Using all those forms of analysis together. Here you will learn how to trade bounces, continuations and breaks. This is what price action analysis is all about and this is the most important section.

Live Trade Videos

I plan to shoot several hours of live trade videos over the coming 2 months. I want to have at least 20 live trades for you to see. In the end, I want to have roughly 8 hours or so of live trade videos. However, I cannot do this in the 2 month deadline for the course release. I plan to have at least 2-4 hours of live trade videos by then. I will add more as time progresses.


Master Candles
As a bit of an extra I will discuss master candles in detail.


NIIIICE…Looks like substance.

Cool. Look forward to being one of the lucky 10 Nick!

Awesome! I am looking forward to more of your excellent education!

Hi Nick,

Greetings from the cold Washington DC Metro Areas. Happy & Prosperous New Year to you.

I am one who likes to be a silent reader, always. Just want to say thanks a gazillion for all the materials that I have read and learned so far, for free. It is very generous of you to teach/share your methods to/with others. There is a lot of effort to put together the materials (remind me how many hours I spent to put my thesis and projects together) and there is no catch. I appreciate that. On the contrary, you want to give more away.

All I want to say is Good work, Young Man. Keep it going.

It all looks to be good material. I hope the chosen 10 appreciate their good fortune.

Why more indicators are more of a hinderance. Simplicity works.

Great stuff Nick!

You’re very dedicated, I can feel it!

Keep up the good work!


Good stuff, even some topics for ‘vet’ traders as well!
I’m realy looking forward to this course.
When will it be available and what will the price tag be?
Any discount plans for buyers of the previous course? =)

Best of luck to all of you for 2010!

You are a true mentor to many Nick. At under $500 the course is a steal. Thanks.

Awesome…I just got blown away recently by just the type of trades you will be including in the course. Sounds like just the ticket for me.
Even if I don’t make the top 10 – I will be one of the first to put in my order. Your teaching style is great…Thanks

Nice one NickB, great stuff, appreciated.. Looking forward to it and cant wait..

nice one nick, trend line bounces should be interesting.

Hello Nick i have read your MM plan and i find that gread but all that stuff in the course i can not belive it.

I hoop i m one of the 10 poeple .
but bother way i like your chatbox very much.
Thanks for every thing

Greet you,


oops…submitted wrong e-mail with message from thomas jones..jan 4 @ 9:48 am..
thank you

good stuff nick i wish you all the best

Unbelievable! Great stuff! Look forward to being one of the first 10 to use the new material for fun and profit.

Great material. I am glad I found this site and are part of this great family where sharing and helping others have always being the main goal

Hey Nick:

I like the list of things you cover. I am happy you will also be covering when to let trades run vs. closing them out early as this is what I sometime struggle with, cant wait for the release.

Nick can you offer us any discount? I cant afford $480 but if you knock $100 off I will buy it right now and wait 3 months for a release

In regards to Trading Trend Line Bounces… Is this a replay of the Keef B’s Webinar?


No it has nothing to do with KeefB’s method at all.

Nick, just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, IT DID! Thanks for sharing what’s in your kind heart and cool head.

Wow! I am looking forward to this! Nice work babe!

Hi Nick,
Did you ever feel that you were almost there with your trading?
That’s how I feel now; Nearly there.



My goal is to be a professional trader, Nick your training information is the best I’ve found to date. I’d love to receive a free copy and speed my education.

Hi Nick, Sounds amazing to me. Just what many new traders need to help put all the pieces together. The live trades are the icing on the cake as there is no better way to learn than to watch an expert at work. I know there is no such thing as the holy grail of systems but this must come close to the holy grail in forex education. Thanks for putting it together.

Amazing and count me in!

What do you say about telling a little about “trade hours” ie. do you only trade London hour or do you continue and then follow the candlesticks at another “trade hour” ie. the US ?

Also all the small “Goldpieces that one can pick up between the lines ie. “I usually don´t trade mondays and fridays after midday neither” could be nice to have collected.

Just proposals :0)

Thanks for your entusiasem and good heart!

While reading the outline of this course, Nick I must say that this information is simply phenomenal and anyone that gets their hands on this information must study it and if so they will become a profitable trader, hands down this material sounds like it will be the best material anyone can learn from, thanks Nick.

Exciting content. I just bought your video course and took your advice to stop my trading until I complete the whole cse. I did entered your earlier contest just crossing my fingers, and toes LOL, that I win… Else looks like I have to pay you to get those exciting content… ; P

I’m giving up!!!

How could you overlook a Granny with Bolt ons and depends? Looked in my cookie jars and didn’t find enough after I paid for my medications.

@Granny Nelson:

I have no clue what bolt ons are????

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