Free Online Forex Trainning & A Free e-Book

Hey guys,

Last week I wrote a post about a free webinar and e-Book release happening this week. In this post I will go over exactly how the free e-Book and webinar will be released. First off let’s talk about the webinar.

I thought a little more about this and I realized it makes absolutely no sense to do the webinar on Wednesday night as very few people will attend. Also my Christmas schedule has suddenly filled up. For these reason instead of a webinar I will do this:

  1. I wan’t everybody to submit as many questions as they want on Price Action Analysis/Candlestick Analysis as a comment to this post.
  2. I will compile all the questions and choose the most common ones.
  3. I will then shoot a detailed video answering all the questions in detail.

To be honest I actually think this will work much better than an actual webinar. The benefits are:

  • I will have time to properly think about and answer the question in as much detail as possible.
  • Progress will not be slowed by people asking dumb questions (trust me there are always plenty of people who slow down webinars).
  • I will have much more time to find proper examples on my chart to illustrate my explanations.

So if you have any Price Action Analysis/Candlestick Analysis questions please leave a comment asking them. That way I can include your question in the online training video. I am specifically looking for questions based on what I wrote int he latest NickB Method 2010 edition free eBook

As for the free 15min method eBook that will be released at the end of the week.

This eBook will be the start of a brand new method. I will be calling it the NickB Trend Scalper Method. Just a little disclaimer about the eBook though. My editor is on holiday at the moment so she cannot edit this eBook. I will release it anyway and have it edited later. So please be prepared for some grammatical errors. I spent my last three years of high school on a laptop trading, not listening to my English teacher. So my grammar is horrible to say the least.

Hope you guys dont mind the change in plans and I hope everybody has a great Christmas. Remember to ask your Price Action Analysis/Candlestick Analysis questions.


looking forward to the ebook with great anticipation have a good xmas all of you and many new pips next year Judd.

NickB, for what this is worth!!!. I’m sure you know by now what effect you are having on many peoples lives. This brings somes tears to my heart. NickB, I don’t know who you believe in, but I can tell you that what you are doing you will sure reap bountyfull blessing from the Lord God Almighty. All you do is, Remember who gives you the ability to create wealth. Jesus is Lord.

God’s riches blessing for you and your family.

Oh, you owe me nothing for this, You are a blessing to others.

can’t agree more you are doing great work nick God bless you

from sydney

Thank you for letting us know Nick. You certainly are one of life’s good guys.

Excellent plan about the webinar / video, and like everyone else, looking forward to both with great excitement.

All the best

Hi Nick – Same question as in my response to the latest e-book. Have not yet seen a response, but it may be more appropriate to answer in the webinar.

Relating to use of the 15-minute chart to manage a trade. When it appears that there is an entry on the 4-hour for a reversal trade, would it not make sense to use the 15-minute chart to “fine-tune” the entry and try to get the best possible price? Perhaps this could eliminate some of the trades that get stopped out early.

Thanks for your good work

Nick, you are an angel from FOREX world. So I trust you know the best for all of us.

Thank you so much.

can’t wait for the new 15 minute system and video!! Thanks Nick

Nick thanks for picking me. I for one would be happy to hear about higher highs and lower lows.

Hi Nick, its taken me over 4 years to develope the 15 min break trade to the level shown in my webinar, so it will be interesting to see what modifications you have added to it.
regards keef b

Thank You Nick, and Merry Christmas

Hi Nick,

Referring to your comment (e-book 2010 page 14) “Pull more pips out of the market”: I understand what you’re saying but out of my experience and statistically when trading a method, or a few methods in our case, it’s best to stick to one set of SL and TP per pair. What I’m trying to say is that there is a certain “energy” in a pattern or in a trigger that will cause the pair do go up or down for lets say 30-50 pips, depending on which pair we’re trading, but after this energy released and because we’re dealing with the Forex market which is an unexpected one, I prefer to close my position regardless of what candle pattern will tell me after the trigger (I’m not talking about 15 ‘ candle pattern that tells me to get out before it hit my SL, on that one I agree it simply tells me that there Is a high probability that the break out or break down will fail). Obviously you think differently so if you can talk about this dilemma more.

Nick B, first of all thanks for all your help.

My questions is similar to LAUREL’s — I get the 4hour strategy, but most of the times, price reverses before actually reaching our goal. Price action may break SR Line for 15-25 pips then reserve for 50, the second move is actually better. Will your 15min strategy indicate a better entry ?


Nick you are simply………….the BEST!!!

When you trade constant and scalp lines you have mentioned that you set alarms for certain levels to trade that way you don’t have to watch the computer all day. Do you have a similar technique for candle stick analysis trading?

Do SR Lines on other pairs affect other pairs? ie I am trading GP/JY, should I be aware of support resistant lines on USD/JPY as well. Too clarify more…say, I am thinking the pound yen looks wide open long, but the usdollar yen shows it is coming up close to a resistance line in 15pips, should I be aware of that line and NOT trade pound yen untill Usdollar yen breaks that line?


I don´t write in english very well, but in this post I only say THANK YOU SOO MUCH for all your gifts.

God Bless You, Merry Christmas and a new Year full of health, hapyness and Pips for you.

Best Regards

Few more questions for you:
1. Do you still avoid trading G/J during New york session since you now monitor all your trades on 15M? For example, what would you do?: You see a set up forming for a good trade. One hour before the end of the G/J session your trade is triggered, but it really doesn’t go anywhere well in to the E/U session. How long do you monitor it? When do you get out?

2. Could you give an example of when you might add to a position using CA method? What do you look for?

3. Is there a heirarchy of importance when using your methods? Is CA more important that scalp lines, trend lines more imortant than CA? Or is it best to only take trades where all work together?

I noticed you didn’t have many questions yet. Please don’t give up on us. Many of us new traders just don’t know what ask?

Thanks Nick

Hi Nick,Do you have an indicator for Support and Resistance levelsthat I can install on my Meta Trader MT4 Platform?ThanksJohn

@John:Hi John. The thing about S+R lines is you tend to have to place them yourself. Over the past two year a few people have tried making an indicator that auto-places lines but they haven’t been able to. It requires a human brain behind the screen judging each line.You just need to learn to place them.


Hi, Has the NickB Trend Scalper Method been put on hold. We are looking forward to your improvements of the Keef 15m method.


I’m curious just like Terry above, if the “NickB Trend Scalper Method” is still being released. I know you are very busy with other things, but I am just curious about the status of this.


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