Forex Tips – Easier MT4 Indicator and EA Install

Hey Guys,

Just a quick video here with a cool little MT4 tip which makes installing and managing indicators a lot easier. Hope this helps!

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Doesnt play..Nick..?

Plays for me. Try holding down shift and pressing the refresh button.

Nick, Cyprusman, thank you for the information and video! … as I prefer a clean desktop, I have created a folder named “shortcuts” and there I have all my shortcuts in :)

and only that one folder is at my desktop, inside my favourite shortcuts …

I wish you and yours a pipful week,
greetings from Hamburg/Germany,


Rocket science. Really?

@Adam Trade:

Never said it was rocket science and for computer nerds like me (and apparently you) it is very easy. However, 40% of people in Forex are over the age of 50. To many of them, computers are not very easy, and they do not know this stuff. Other people may simply have never thought about doing it.

Thanks Nick, that sure does save some time and its great for old farts like me who are not all that computer savvy.

Hi Nick
great, just I am not really sure what to make off it, you recommend not to use EA…rather no indis, so why do we need to know this..still it’s cool!

have a good one…nice screen saver though


I do not base my trading decisions on indicators such as the MACD and RSI. However, there are some cool indicators such as the master candle indicator. All the indicator does is spot and mark out master candles for you.There is an indicator that allows you to set price alarms on horizontal lines.

They are more line plug-ins that extend MT4’s functionality but people call them indicators.

A good
trader? I know: Adrain Shiroma, Arthur Mercado, Albert Botero, Steve Garay you
can search on google but the best for me is Adrian Shiroma, he could be help

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