Forex Education Friday – Get Rich Slow

Forex Education Friday

Today I am launching a brand new series of videos called Forex Education Friday.

Every Friday I will be bringing you a Forex education video. I will discuss a variety of topics from price action strategies to trading psychology and general Forex tips.

Get Rich Slow in Forex

Recently I have been seeing a lot of over-hyped products being advertised by Forex marketers.

Just like all scam products they tell inexperienced traders that they can get rich quick in Forex.

Well, the truth is you can’t get rich quick in Forex. In fact, in Forex you can only get rich slow.


This is what today’s video is about.


Very much looking forward to this weekly series. Good information as always Nick

Thanks Jeremy!

thanks for the input Nick

No problem, thanks for your comment!

so true what you are saying, i have been trading for nearly 2 years and only now am becomind consistent

Thanks for the comment and it is good to hear you are finding some consistency.

Love your down to Earth honesty and your valuable experience !!

Thanks Hamlet!

Where’s the video?

The video is embedded in the post. If you cannot see it then you might need to update your flash or use another browser.

In the mean time here is a direct link…

Yes. My gosl is 20% per annum, trading off daily charts. Much easier, better lifestyle to boot.

Al lthis 10%+ month is reckless gambling.

2 to 3% per month gains and losses. Yes losses. So one or two bad months and I am not about to hang my-self and go looking for a job flipping burgers.

Nick, another nice video. Most starters think they can get rich quick (also me a year ago) in forex due to many online advertisments. A year later I know better

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