Life just gets in the way sometimes

I love running but sometimes life can get in the way…

… The last two months have been crazy for me. I decided I would move from Scotland to England. I went down to England to look for a house but did not find anything. In the end I had to find a place to rent. I was growing tired of the constant four hour train journeys from Scotland to England without finding a place. Now from England I can view properties without the hassle of travelling and staying in a hotel.

As you may know, forex4noobs is split into two sections. There is the free section which you are on now and the paid section which has a video course and a trading forum. Unfortunately, as I have been so busy I have not had much time for the free section of forex4noobs. The free time I had was spent on the paid section for weekly webinars and the trading forum.

Now that things have settled down, I will get back to blogging regularly and sharing my strategy.

So, I have a two important announcements.

Three Day Price Action Blitz Webinars

Next week I will be holding an event, three webinars over three days, all on price action. If you have not registered yet, please do so by visiting the link below.

Sorry, registration for this webinar is no longer available. You can check out my latest webinar recordings here though.

On the webinars I will focus on teaching you how to trade price action and make consistent profits.

Weekly Analysis

It has been a long time since I have done weekly trading analysis. I have decided to resume the analysis, so expect to see Forex analysis on a weekly basis starting this week.

This will allow you to keep track of what I am trading and trade with me.

Thanks for reading guys!


looking forward to it!

Thank you for your work, time and help

I wish u better stay in England.
Will the weekly analysis be sent out to free members as well?

Looking forward to the Webinars. Good luck in your house hunting. The wife and I are contemplating a possible move in the future. Surely an exciting but at the same time daunting task.

Thank you for your help in assisting one to be a better trader. You are truly appreciated!

Hi Nick

First of all I want to thank you for the great work you are doing. I have been trading the markets for 1½ years now. I have been all over the place trying to learn as much as possible and find a method that suited me and give some kind of sense and direction in this “jungle”. Not until I came across your website and webinars did I find a method that makes sense to me. I like the methodology and the way to analyze the struggle between buyers and sellers. I have taken parts of your method and tried to make my own. I look forward to test it. However I have tried to trade your method- strictly, mostly in indices(dax, FTSE,SP500, NASDAQ), but I have a question/doubt that I hope you are willing to answer.

When I see indecision near/ontop of S/R I put in a stopbuy or sell above or below the top/bottom(short/long) of the indecision candle and wait for it to be triggered- buyers/sellers show they are now control of the price.

However I have often seen that the price is triggered early in the morning(I live in Sweden) where I sense, that volume is very low and shortly after the european markets open at 0900 the price goes against me and I am stopped. My question is: are you concerned that orders are triggered during low volume and maybe Priceaction at that time of day is not really representative of the real battle between buyers and sellers?

Best regards


Hi Alex,
I live in Austria and I share the same fate as you because I open trade before London opens and many time it bounces on me. Hope Nick can gave a few tips on this matter.
Have a nive day.


Good for you Nick sometime’s you have to let your own life have a turn! Nice to hear that you are back in the mix – not to stressed I hope.



Great news. I guess I just got involved with Forex as you were going through this hassle and I’ve been wondering when new Youtube content would be coming for me to devour! Plus I sent a couple of emails with no reply. I’m signed up for next week and really looking forward to getting in tune with your methodology as I’ve set my ambition to become a fulltime trader and like your approach and manner.

Best wishes on the house hunt.


Hey Nick, Thanks for all that you do with your site. Your honesty is refreshing, best wishes in creating a new home for you both, Nora

sounds brilliant to me

Everybody get the Nick B method!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wohoo! :D

Hello Nick,

Welcome back !

I’ve been trying to join your site, unfortunately I haven’t had a great deal of success. Having clicked the ‘join’ button I put in my user name and email address and was told to look out for an email, but I never received it. This was a couple of weeks ago now, and I’ve since sent you several emails with my afore mentioned details to various addresses.

I wonder if when you get a moment, you could possibly dig them out and send me that all important activation email so I can use my account on your site (this email address).

I’ve been following your strategy and watching your videos with fascination, and I’m looking forward to more being released.

All the best.

Many Thanks,

Thanks for helping me sort this issue out Nick. Cheers.

Hi Nick
Welcome back. And all the best for you. I will be following on your updates .

Great to have you back; hopefully the house hunt improves!

I’m looking forward to the webinars next week!

Will you have a chance to reply to the later posts on your previous blog post, or is that one done?


Peter G

The weekly trading analysis, is this going to be published for non-members as well. If yes then do we receive a email to the link to view the weekly trading analysis.


Yes, of course. The first analysis is coming tomorrow.

Hi Nick,
i checked the blog at forex4noobs and could not find any analysis for this week.

Will the analysis be posted here or sent by email to your subscribers.


yes you are write i was thinking about you

Hi Nick,

Nice to have the chance to listen to you. Are you going to start the webinars tonight?



The webinars start tonight but I’ve not had any information about where to go to see it. Only email received today was another one inviting people to register for the webinar series and I’ve already done that last week and got confirmation from the email link.

Best wishes, Mark.

Same here…

Nick please I really want to join the webinar.


Will this 3 day webinar session be uploaded to your youtube channel? also how can I get more information on the paid section. thanks :)

hi Nick,

l have one question, is it possible that one can start trading using the reversal strategy with an account balance of about $300 and grow the account as result?

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