Free Forex Chartroom- Forex Education Friday

I was so busy setting up the new Forex chatroom this week I had no time to shoot the Forex Education video.

The video below is a bit of a cop out but it is worth a watch as I show you the new free chatroom and how to access it.

I will be in the chat room most week days starting next week. I will be sharing my strategy, my trades and general Forex tips. So if you want to catch up and talk Forex I will see you in the chat room this week.

[Check out the free Forex chatroom >


Looks to me like it has fewer features than the old chatroom. Whiteboard is harder to post a chart in, and I can’t find a way of screencasting. I’m not going to complain about something you provide for free, but am wondering why the change?

The room has better features….

1. The room is built on flash an updated regularly. This allows it to work in any modern browser. The old room was was built on java and it was rarely updated. The old room still had major issues on systems using Java 7 which was released over a year ago. Over one year and they did not update the chatroom software.

2. Many users suffered from constant disconnects in the old room. This will not happen in the new room.

3. While it might be slightly harder to upload a screenshot the white board is packed with many extra features. The whiteboard now has more drawing tools.

4. The whiteboard also archives all pages created so you no longer need to delete somebodies chart to post your own. This is a great new feature.

5. While posting chart images is slightly slower all the images are archived in the assets section. This means you can go back to an image posted two days ago and just drag it back onto the board.

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