Trading With 100% Certainty Webinar Part 2 – Candlestick Analysis

Forex Webinar

On Sunday the 4th of March at 9:00pm GMT I will be holding the next webinar in the “Trading With 100% Certainty” series.

Whats The Webianr About

I will be discussing the latest update to my Price Action strategy and how to enter trades with 100% certainty.

Trading with 100% certainty does not mean trading with a 100% success rate. It means using everything at your disposal to enter a trade with 100% confidence that it will work out. Obviously not all trades work out and you will be wrong sometimes. However, the idea is that you filter out all the trades you are not fully confident in.

This webinar is not about a particular trading method or how to enter trades. This webinar is about using powerful Price Action analysis techniques to develop certainty in your trading. Technically you can use these techniques with any trading method. To actually see how I use the techniques I discuss in the webinar to take live trades and make pips check out my Forex Price Action strategy.

How To Attend

To attend the webinar simply visit the (webinar ended) at or before 9pm GMT on Sunday. There will of course be a recorded version of this webinar put up on the blog for the people who can not attend.

*These webinars are very popular and we usually have over 1,000 people who wish to attend. However, the chatroom is currently limited to 20 seats so only 20 people can be in the actual webinar. This means you should try to be in the chat room early if you want to be part of the live session.


Hi Nick,
I can’t find the webinar recording anywhere. Are you still going to post it? Your recordings are gold! Thanks for all the great support.

Hey Nick, I wanted to get ino this webinar so badly on the date but did not… Anyway can you please post the video?

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