Weekly Forex Tip – Learn The Basics

I am starting a new series of posts with a simple tip every Tuesday. Here goes……

I know this tip is somewhat redundant and I would wager the vast majority of people reading this already know the basics. However, last week I spoke to a newbie trader who did not know the basics, this is how the conversation went…

Newbie – I just lost on my EUR/USD trade?
Me – Hmmm I see no trade on EUR/USD, was it a long or a short?
Newbie – What do you mean by long or short?
Me – Did you buy or sell EUR/USD?
Newbie – I bought it of course, why would I sell?
Me – Well obviously if you saw a short set-up you would have sold?
Newbie – What do you mean by sell? How can you sell a pair before you buy? You only sell to close your trade.

double face palm

The conversation went downhill from there. The newbie in question has been trading for 6 months and he still does not understand that you can open short positions in Forex.
Learning the basics is vital to your success as a trader. So for all of you newbies who do not know the basics…. Go through the Forex Education section.

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