Mmmmmm, Don’t You Love The Sun?

Hey Guys,

Miss me?

Sorry for not posting an away message but I have just been busy lately. I could lie and say I had to attend to a very important matter but I won’t!

The truth is that Edinburgh is having some rare sunshine 25°C (77°F) so I thought I would spend some time exploring Scotland. Still missing my 40°C (104°F) Sydney days.

It looks like the markets have been going crazy anyway. While some traders prosper at times like these I don’t. Chaos doesn’t really suit my trading style. So I am not missing much by spending my days out and about.

Also, sometimes taking a break from trading is just as important to success as anything else. You need to take a step back and relax your mind a little every now and then.

Anyway, it seems the sun is going into hiding here for the next few days so I am going to be around. I am not trading this week I will start again next week. However, look out for some interesting educational posts this week.

If you like this post leave a comment please.



Always good to hear from you, and nothing to worry about – for all you do and have done, I can’t imagine anyone would begrudge you some sun.

Don’t worry I kept the GBP/JPY analysis going…but seems most of the other traders cleared out too so I was analyzing mostly with myself & maybe 3 other traders hahaha

But yes it has been volatile, anyone who is not experienced could get burned easily without risk management.

Enjoy the sun and look forward to having you back next week!

It’s always a pleasure to hear your thoughts, cheers, NorA


Will be very interesting your next analysis of GJ, Regards

Nick, So glad to hearing from you again.
Bangkok of Thailand still dangerous area anyway don’t worry at all.
May you life be filled with joy and happiness…
Keep on smileing :-)


While you have been enjoying this rare event in Edinburgh, I have kept indoors, must not spoil the pale skinned Scots palour built up over many years. Apart from that it will be a bumper summer so dont leave town yet. Crazy crazy markets I have watched boggled eyed trying to apply some logic, forget it. Have fun Nick look forward to you making some sense of what is going on. Cheers

I hope the sun never shines again…… jokes.

NICK, Really miss your analysis. Yeah it’s been so volatile I got burned a couple times thanks to the money management. Waiting for your useful analysis. :) Have a good day NICK

Hope your well rested and got a chance to check out Loch Lomond whilst the weather was good.

Sun’s shining in London-so I’m taking pictures of it with the intention of blowing them up and pasting them to my windows !!!

Thanks Nick, I always look forward to another post, enjoy the sun while you can.

Do not worry dude !! We also need a small vacation in our veins :-)
In Spain we just changed from scarves to sunglasses in just a single week !
Strong and rare changes like the EUR/USD ;-)
Relax..we’ll see each other in your web site .

Have fun in the sun!

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