15min Trendline Bounce Trading – Mini Webinar

Sorry, this webinar is over four years old and I no longer have the recording. You can check out my latest webinar recordings here though.

Better late than never! I have found some time to encode, upload and release this mini webinar I held on the 15th of March. The webinar was not really planned out and I just rambled on for about 40 min. I really should do a full webinar on this subject at some point and I probably will. However, for now here is the mini webinar.

Trend Line Reversal Mini Webinar


Up until a year or so ago I hated trend lines. It was mostly because I didn’t understand them. I had no clue how to place them and when I tried they never worked. For this reason I thought they were a useless trading tool and never gave them any credit. However, in early 2009 my girlfriend explained trend lines to me in detail. Ever since then I have been messing around with them on and off. Mostly on the 4 hour chart as they do aid support and resistance line trading. I have also been using them with great success on the lower time frames such as 15min and 30min time frames. In this mini webinar I shed a little light on how I used trend lines on the 15 min charts.


This recording started about 30 seconds after the webinar begun. Don’t worry though, you didn’t miss much! You can watch it here in the browser or download it with the link below. Downloaded version is better quality.

Recording no longer exists.


Cheers for this Nick, I have signed up for the chatroom, see you in there !

What was the good tip around 28 minutes and the blog url?

There’s isn’t any text for the conversation so not possible to see the other side of the conversation in this vid


Sorry mate. There was an issue with my initial recording so I had to improvise and create this recording. For this webinar it is the absolute best I can do. In future I will have a contingency plan so that the text can be seen.

Anyway I have edited the post to show you what was written.

Well Nick, what can I say! I appreciate the candor you displayed here! It just goes to show that there are as many ways to trade as there are ways to “skin a cat”! Some don’t like trendlines, some do. Some learn they are fine! Some don’t like indicators, some do! Some learn they are wonderful for divergence trades! Some don’t like price action, some do. Some find they are fine when they learn how! It is all about the learning curve and there are no supermen traders without lots of experience and willingness to explore! Thanks again!

solid stuff as usual.

I was waiting for this upload a long time… worth the wait thankyou Nick!

I am usually skeptical about getting anything for free. I always look and wait for the annoying sales pitch especially with Forex webinars. Even though you call this a basic or mini webinar Nick I think you give away more valuable information than any free webinar I have seen. As a bonus you don’t even give us a sales pitch.

I really appreciate this webinar and I look forward to putting some of this stuff to use. I do agree with you though you should do a long one. JUST DON’T THROW IN A SALES PITCH!!!!

Hey Nick, another great insight into a great method! Luv trendline trading!!


very cool stuff mate!

Thanks Nick ,Hopefully you can make a full webinar on this in the near future. Quiet a bit of pausing but understood.
Take care,Rob

good webinar my friend.

Hi NickB,
Great Webinar video. Great to learn how to place trendlines properly, using both wicks and body bounces – very helpful.
Just had one question is regarding GBP/JPY. Do you trade this pair using this method (15min/30min trendlines)… If so, what is your target for this pair?
Thanks again 4 the insight!

@purple eagle:

GBP/JPY is just too chaotic for this type of trading in my opinion. However, if I did trade it I would probably aim for 30 pips.

I liked this presentation. I am testing support and resistance lines on 30 min, they work reasonably well. With trendlines it seems the effectiveness has almost doubled. Many trendlines and S ‘n’ R lines match up very accurately.

nice voice and thanks for the vid gave me some good insights.

Nick, I too have a question. How many trades does this make on average each week?


I catch 1 or 2 trades but I do not always monitor.

Good but hard to follow when you answer stuff from the chatroom peps

Happy Easter Nick and everyone else!

This is better than choclate!

Just finished watching great webinar thanks!

Hi there Nick,
That makes sense, with regards to GBP/JPY. I often find it moves very quick on the 15 min charts. Thanks again!

Awesome webminar as always!! I use trendlines all the time but not on the 15 min chart.. is interesting to see how you use them here. Thank you Nick!

Hi Nick, Thanks for taking the time to put this webinar up. I had been looking at 15 min t/lines for months but just couldn’t manage to pull it all together. Kept seeing the lines but didn’t have the experience to work out the entry points etc. I enjoyed the live session in the chatroom when you did this webinar but needed to see it agan to clarify a few points. Job done. I am looking forward to trying it out now. Thanks again. Mary.

@ NickB – hey man, thanks for the shout out, I havent had a chance to watch it yet to know what was captured.

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