Live Price Action Trade – EURJPY Short (Don’t Let Fear Manage Your Trades)

Do you panic when in a trade and exit early?

It’s a common mistake new traders make and it can be detrimental to their profitability.

In this video I enter the EURJPY short trade that I shared in my analysis last week. Many Forex Mastermind members joined me on this trade, but not all of them held it…

… The inexperienced traders abandoned this trade early, and lost out on a good trade.


Because they let fear manage their trade.

Check out the video to see how I managed this trade and closed with profit, where most people panicked and exited, and why you shouldn’t make those same mistakes.


Good lesson, have done that in the past then acquired patience.

Good lesson, have done that in the past then acquired patience.

Thank you for this video

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